I scored Burns a 90 out 100. This is Grand Champion Texas Barbecue.
Smoke: This is real pit barbecue in Houston smoked with post oak. No rotisserie here.
Brisket: Good. A 1/4in smoke ring and nice bark. A little tough of tender always hurts the score a little. If this had been snap apart tender, score would have been in the mid 90's. The smoke aroma was mild but noticeable. Flavor was above average. Could not detect any rub but the smoke was enough. No sauce needed.
Ribs: Excellent. Nice clean bite with a little crust. Fall off the bone tender. Disappointed they did not remove the membrane on the bone side, but meat did not stick to it so it was just an annoyance for those who even know what i am talking about. It did not affect my score. Flavor was above average and so simple: smoke with a little salt and pepper rub. Smoke was mild but noticeable. Enjoyed these ribs very much. No sauce needed.
Sausage: Excellent. I was disappointed they did not have their signature Home Made links ready for the lunch crowd so i ordered the Regular. This was a nice surprise. There is nothing regular about the Regular! It was a beef pork course ground mix with good spice flavor. The after taste was peppery and delicious. Finally some smoke flavor with my sausage! Is smoke too much to ask for at a barbecue joint!?! Plah-eeze. No sauce needed.
Sauce: Excellent. This sauce is so good, you good bottle it and drink it. It was not your typical tomato based sweet sauce. I could not distinguish the flavors that made it so good. Mysterious! It was heavy vinegar spicy and smokey. I think it had molasses and maybe butter? Who knows, it was wonderful. The best part was it made everything else taste so much better. Once you tasted the sauce, you did not take a bite of anything without dipping it in this sauce. Nothing here needs sauce, but then you can't enjoy the sauce. Use the sauce!
PS: don't score sides but the pinto beans were the bomb. They were so good, i could not quit eating them. When sides side track me from the 'cue, they get their honorable mentions and respect.
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